In the world of E-bikes an absolute lightweight.
Reduced to the essentials (including E-smart hub with battery, spring leather saddle, wooden pedals, brakes, hub dynamo, front and back lights, bamboo fenders, anti-puncture tires) the velocipede-fogliaverde E-smart bikes weigh a mere 15 kg (33 lb.), making them the probably lightest E-bikes on the market. Were we to use aluminum pedals, a Brooks Cambium saddle and no fenders it would even be only 13.5 kg. (29.7 lb.).
From this starting point we get our bikes ready for everyday use by adding stylish, high end and useful accessories like a heavy duty folding lock in a leather case, a leather saddle bag with tools, two steel porters, wooden chain guard, leather carrying strap, kickstand, bell and reflectors, etc..
The result: The most stylish fully equipped E-smart City bikes at a record setting 18.7 kg. (41 lb.).